Friday, March 23, 2007

Werk, Werk!

Ever have one of those...not so fresh days?

It's friday and I don't know how I got through the week. Some of my friends have been dealing with me dropping hints about the 3 in the morning nights working on "show stopping" tasks that had VPs involved, Dick Cheney, and the three wisemen. At least I had people involved that acted like Cheney and others had moments of brilliance that would classify them as one of the three wisemen.

It's 7:55am and I just sent the "success" email to the client. My morning started with a nice wake up call about the system being down and the client was waiting for access. You gotta love implementations.

However, I look back at what our co-located team did to achieve our goal completion this week and I have to be very impressed with my co-workers. I spend a lot of time bitching about what they don't do, but I just want to give them a shout out for what they doodoo.

Sorry, childish. Still funny though.

The scale of work/life has dipped heavily this week. Time to make up for the balance shift this weekend. So, my friends, those that I will be hanging out with this weekend, if I seem a little crazy, a little...John Belushi, just let it ride.


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