Miguel's Bachelor Party - Day 5 Part 2 - Bangkok
We arrived in Bangkok without much trouble and were lucky to get our bags on as carry-on only. We were supposed to check our bags due to the weight, but we wanted to see if we could get away with carrying them on. As I picked up my bag after the security scan, the lady pulled my bag and gave me a look of doubt, because if she spoke it would be lost without translation. I simply smiled and picked up my bag. This allowance of forgiveness would never exist in the states. Oh well, our gain.
As soon as we landed in Bangkok, Miguel's game face was on. He said, "Watch, these cabbies will try to screw us. It's only supposed to be 350 Baht to the city." As soon as we got in the cab, the negotiation was on. The driver said to us, "500 Baht." This actually puts a smile on Miguel's face. In a funny kind of way, he is home. He's not ready to negotiate, he's ready to win. This is what you do in Thailand with just about everything. 350 Baht later, we had one of our fastest cab rides for the trip and the smile remained on Miguel's face.
Once in Bangkok, it was easy to see the difference in cultures from Hong Kong. The pace of life in Bangkok just feels and appears to be so much faster. On initial observations, the Thai eyes seem to be hardened by the life of dealing with other cultures constantly hounding them for a better price and their struggle to get more than they should be asking for. As exciting as it is, it makes you wonder if you are experiencing the true nature of Thai people and culture.
After dropping our bags off at the hotel, we quickly headed out to partake in a Thai night for tourists. We went to nana station to begin the eye-opening experience. The Sukhumvit area is filled with street vendors, tourists, ladies of the night, and very little street left to walk on. The diversity in the types of people on the street is such a show; there is no better place to be then sitting somewhere along the sidewalk to view the sane, insane, and questionable characters. We found a street vendor with a push cart and fold-up table service selling alcohol. Forget the fact that open containers is not illegal in Bangkok, because drinking on the sidewalk is the most innocent thing going on there.
As you sit on your plastic stool, drinking down a tall Chang beer, trying to counter the midnight heat and humidity, coupled by the heat of the traffic whizzing by you, you quickly lose yourself in observation. All senses are on alert. Was that an Aussie accent? Did that person just ask how much for two hours? What is that food vendor cooking on his push cart in the street, next to the curb and me? At least the smell of the food is overpowering the smell of the trash heaped up head high against the electrical box. Did she just touch me to see if I am interested? Is it a she or a he? Doesn't matter, not interested. The heat and humidity is amazing at this hour and the beer is still cold, I want to just drink it down like a glass of cold, iced water.
Quickly, you are snapped out of your moment of observation when the soft english accents of the women working the alcohol cart filter into the mind. Luckily for us, the women working spoke english, which made for a very fun and conversation-filled evening. Meo (pronounced meow), was a charming and pretty Thai girl that spent her time flitting around to the customers providing conversation that would guarantee your desire to remain there for the rest of the evening and not leave for the next alcohol vendor. Bangkok was a competitive arena and the vendors are not without their means.
Bangkok spirit certainly showed its power of persuasion on all of us.
Little did I know that would end up being one of the best experiences in Bangkok. The simplicity of sitting at a makeshift table of a street vendor drinking beers that came out of a cooler while allowing the senses to be overloaded for our first night in Bangkok.
We had a long day ahead of us and it was already around 3 in the morning. Time to head back to get a cat nap in before getting up to see the attractions of Bangkok, Thailand.
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